Synopsis Ambar et Dika viennent de commencer un nouveau chapitre de leur vie lorsque la rancune d’une entité malveillante vieille de plusieurs années se déroule sous leurs yeux. Avec un cadeau qu’elle a involontairement, Ambar est maintenant obligée de terminer la vengeance de l’entité, un esprit hollandais sans tête, Ivanna…
Catégorie : Indonésien

Synopsis Three sisters, along with their friend who is a student of metaphysics, attempt to learn why their father became comatose at an eerie, remote mansion.

When their sister Tasya begins experimenting with contacting the dead, Bella and Rama must contend once more with the demons haunting their family.

Jailangkung 3 Synopsis The supernatural terror centers on a small family consisting of Adrian and his wife Sandra, along with their two children, Niki and Kinan, who are on vacation out of town.

Synopsis Lia is experiencing memory loss after an accident. When awakened, she is in a large, isolated house. It is a place of community consisting of people who do not have a home and relatives. They live in harmony and look after each other. They are the ones who help

Synopsis Risa must have a normal life like other girl. Risa closes her sixth sense. She cannot see Peter and friends now but strange events starting to happen.

Synopsis Alors que la capacité de Risa à voir des fantômes continue de perturber sa vie, le comportement de son oncle l’amène à découvrir un mystère obsédant dans sa nouvelle maison.

The Empty Chair: Final Exam Synopsis Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil’s power threatens their lives.

May the Devil Take You Synopsis Annie retrouve sa famille avec qui elle a des relations conflictuelles, à l’occasion de l’hospitalisation de son père. Rapidement rejointe par sa belle-famille, elle va se rendre dans une vieille bâtisse familiale isolée en forêt, où vont se déclencher des phénomènes surnaturels. Et tandis

Follow Me to Hell Synopsis The happiness of Lita and her husband, Rama, do not last long because Lita is often terrorized by creepy female creatures. Rama brings Mr. Adam to clean their house from the ghost disturbance. Mr. Adam explaines that this terror does not come from the house

Synopsis After an accident that killed both of Tara’s parents, Tara now only has a younger brother named Gian as a member of her family. However, the accident traumatized Gian, so Gian chose to end his life.

Synopsis Maira et Aldo vivent heureux avec Kayla, leur plus jeune enfant, et Yani, leur femme de ménage. Mais un tragique accident a emporté la vie de Kayla et leur bonheur. Maira se transforme en quelqu’un de sombre et Aldo se noie au travail.