Grim Woods
Synopsis Four Summer Camp Counsellors read scary stories from an Ancient Book of Evil.

Synopsis Four Summer Camp Counsellors read scary stories from an Ancient Book of Evil.
Synopsis A young couple sets out on a weekend getaway in hopes of mending their failing relationship. However, a seemingly innocent weekend turns dark when the man discovers a videotape chronicling the events of a
Child’s Play : La Poupée du mal Synopsis Une mère offre une poupée à son fils pour son anniversaire. Elle ignore que ce jouet est défectueux et que son système de programmation a été piraté
Synopsis Chelsea, a high school introvert, is abducted through a social media app and is forced to look like other girls Brad holds captive. Chelsea desperately attempts to persuade them to escape before they all
Synopsis The Luring is about a man who returns to his family vacation home, where a murder took place during his 10th birthday party, hoping to finally resolve a memory gap that has been plaguing
Blackout Synopsis La Terre est frappée par un blackout sans précédent, l’électricité ne fonctionne plus nulle part à l’exception d’une zone située en Europe centrale. Une escouade se constitue pour tenter de sauver la planète
Synopsis Quand un violent ouragan s’abat sur sa ville natale de Floride, Hayley ignore les ordres d’évacuation pour partir à la recherche de son père porté disparu. Elle le retrouve grièvement blessé dans le sous-sol
Synopsis Les membres d’un groupe de recherche mystérieux appelé 0.0MHz expérimentent l’horreur dans une maison hantée.
To the Lake Synopsis Une mystérieuse épidémie transforme Moscou en ville fantôme. Il n’y a plus d’électricité, l’argent n’a plus aucune valeur, et les rares personnes qui n’ont pas été contaminées par le virus se
Synopsis A series of worldwide blackouts cause millions of mysterious cosmic anomalies to appear everywhere across the planet. Some people are drawn into them with horrifying consequences.
Synopsis Mala always deals with Tembang Lingsir, a song taught by her mother from her childhood. After a mysterious fire incident that killed her mother, Mala lost her voice. Then, Mala lives in her uncle’s
Death Whisper Synopsis Physical and mental violence became Alex’s daily menu at the school. Terrible incident haunts senior students after a spirit-calling ritual.
Synopsis When six best high school buddies are cross the forbidden forest and broken all the rules in there, something evil follow their back and causing death among themselves.
Synopsis Un groupe d’amis du lycée décide de se diffuser en direct dans un immeuble hanté, mais finit par ouvrir un portail vers l’enfer.
Synopsis Lia is experiencing memory loss after an accident. When awakened, she is in a large, isolated house. It is a place of community consisting of people who do not have a home and relatives.
Synopsis Risa must have a normal life like other girl. Risa closes her sixth sense. She cannot see Peter and friends now but strange events starting to happen.