Santet Segoro Pitu
Synopsis Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, ARDI and his family have experienced strange events. SUCIPTO (his father), MARNI (his mother), and ARIF (his younger

Synopsis Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, ARDI and his family have experienced strange events. SUCIPTO (his father), MARNI (his mother), and ARIF (his younger
Synopsis Risa must have a normal life like other girl. Risa closes her sixth sense. She cannot see Peter and friends now but strange events starting to happen.
Synopsis Alors que la capacité de Risa à voir des fantômes continue de perturber sa vie, le comportement de son oncle l’amène à découvrir un mystère obsédant dans sa nouvelle maison.
Synopsis A la suite de son déménagement, Risa fait la rencontre de trois enfants avec qui elle se lie d’amitié. Elle ignore encore qu’il s’agit d’esprits errants..